
About Game Outdoor

I start to search for some think (models) for outdoor scenes. In my search i found many non-free generators for generate trees, plants, grass etc. Also find lot of freeware models. But in my mind come one mind, how to render so many models in one scene and i found solution - Paged Geometry for Ogre3D i haven't try it for now, but i think i is really what i need. 

so its looks like that..

What is PagedGeometry? 

The PagedGeometry engine is an add-on to the OGRE Graphics Engine, which provides highly optimized methods for rendering massive amounts of small meshes covering a possibly infinite area. This is especially well suited for dense forests and outdoor scenes, with millions of trees, bushes, grass, rocks, etc., etc. 
Paged geometry gives you many advantages over plain entities, the main one being speed: With proper usage of detail levels, outdoor scenes managed by PagedGeometry can be >100x faster than plain entities. Another advantage is that the geometry is paged; in other words, only entities which are immediately needed (to be displayed) are loaded. This allows you to expand the boundaries of your virtual world almost infinitely (only limited by floating point precision), providing the player with a more realistically scaled game area. 
(From ogre3d form)
Example from ogre-paged web page:

Expansive jungle scene with 240,000 trees and animated vegetation, running at 100 - 150 FPS on a GeForce 7800 GT:

So solution for big area rendering (in real time) is found!.. so what left - start to do something an compile all founded in one big game..


first steps in game design

After few weeks at lest i got normal import/export models. From smd (valve studio models) to ogre3d mesh , trough blender. How to do that ill write little bit later, but now i decline to show you my first art (sketch) of game enter screen.
So soon come more, not only arts, sketches but also game screens/game tests


In game ideas (Classes)

So i can't sleep. so i suggest to write down my ideas. I have thinking about my game classes. Ill creating mmorpg in post apocalypse. So i need create some classes witch will realistic, but like postnuke - so many guns. But how to make guns and melee weapons more or less equal (because i, like many mmo gamers, hate  ordinary shooters). I decline to make view form 3rd person, and enable play game with joystick. There no possibility to use cursor to navigate aim (on joystick). So idea is to use selector to select a target (select next target / select before target). So when u select target, hold fire button and dependent on your skill you will shoot to target more or less accuracy (miss -> head-shoot).

So why i start this post - i can't sleep while write down my ideas abut classes.
There is main classes:

  1. Tank (miningunner/flamethrower)
  2. Engineer (man who will use some engineering thinks to attack others)(robots, cars, cannons, mines, choppers...)
  3. Trooper (just ordinary army guy)
  4. Spy/Assassin (use light melee weapons, can hide, become invisible, climb on wall)
So after some time planing to add:
  1. Medic
  2. Sniper (use sniper rifles and hits targets from long distance)
  3. Mystic (man who use telekinesis to attack enemy)


Building Ogre+OgreBullet+Bullet Under Uubuntu

Every one programmer wanted build his own game. I started too.
For game We need:

  1. Graphic Engine (Ogre3d)
  2. Physic Engine (Bullet)
    • Glue between Graphic and Physic (OgreBullet).
Im using Linux x86_64 (UBUNTU 10.10) with NVIDIA video card.
First what We need is set up our develepment environment. To do that we need build and install some  libraries and header files (these are files that tells our programs how to use thous libraries).

So lets start:
sudo apt-get install build-essential automake libtool
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libfreeimage-dev libzzip-dev libxrandr-dev libxaw7-dev freeglut3-dev
Not Strictly Required Dependencies
sudo apt-get install nvidia-cg-toolkit libois-dev libboost-thread-dev

Quick Build
tar xjf ogre_src_v1-7-2.tar.bz2
cd ogre_src_v1-7-2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j2
The -j2 specifies how many parallel compilation jobs to run. Substitute the number of processor cores on your system, e.g. -j2 for a dual-core, -j4 for a quad core...
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

make -j2
The -j2 specifies how many parallel compilation jobs to run. Substitute the number of processor cores on your system, e.g. -j2 for a dual-core, -j4 for a quad core...
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
i need some little tests to test is needed here to copy some libs and make symbolic links for thous.
Here We need some libs from Bullet (Extras/ConvexDecomposition/libConvexDecomposition.so.2.77) copy to /usr/local/lib and make symbolic link to it self, but haven't test it yet.

  • Last think what We need to build is OgreBullet
    1. Download OgreBullet and extract it
      tar xjf bullet-2.77.tgz
      cd bullet-2.77
    2. Update Collisions/src/Makefile.am in OgreBullet source folder (just add in the end off it )
      libOgreBulletCol_la_LIBADD = \
       $(OGRE_LIBS) \
       $(bullet_LIBS) \
      or Use (like i done) this patch and  execute in root folder of OgreBullet:
      patch -p0 < linux_demo.patch
    3. Compile and install it:
      chmod 755 autogen.sh
      (if you use -DINSTALL_EXTRA_LIBS=ON in bullet configuration)
      CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/bullet/ConvexDecomposition ./configure
      make -j2
      The -j2 specifies how many parallel compilation jobs to run. Substitute the number of processor cores on your system, e.g. -j2 for a dual-core, -j4 for a quad core...
      sudo make install
      sudo ldconfig
So now You have fully build of Ogre+bullet (glued with OgreBullet). Now set Your application (or download test tutorial) configure plugins.cfg (Change PluginFolder to /usr/local/lib/OGRE).  And build some tutorial form OgreBullet wiki or forum.

Ill post to some of my tests with OgreBullet after some time.

So that all, fill free to comment.


Add-ons Forum • View topic - Building OgreBullet and Demo on Linux (patches)

Add-ons Forum • View topic - Building OgreBullet and Demo on Linux (patches)


CXXFLAGS="-I/home/gook/Desktop/ogre3d/bullet-2.78/Extras/ConvexDecomposition" LDFLAGS="-L/home/gook/Desktop/ogre3d/bullet-2.78/Extras -Wl,-rpath,/home/gook/Desktop/ogre3d/bullet-2.78/Extras" LIBS="-lconvexdecomposition" ./configure
that is what i done to build OgreBullet. In some soon time ill post something about my experience in Ogre3D and my first game building with it.