
About Game Outdoor

I start to search for some think (models) for outdoor scenes. In my search i found many non-free generators for generate trees, plants, grass etc. Also find lot of freeware models. But in my mind come one mind, how to render so many models in one scene and i found solution - Paged Geometry for Ogre3D i haven't try it for now, but i think i is really what i need. 

so its looks like that..

What is PagedGeometry? 

The PagedGeometry engine is an add-on to the OGRE Graphics Engine, which provides highly optimized methods for rendering massive amounts of small meshes covering a possibly infinite area. This is especially well suited for dense forests and outdoor scenes, with millions of trees, bushes, grass, rocks, etc., etc. 
Paged geometry gives you many advantages over plain entities, the main one being speed: With proper usage of detail levels, outdoor scenes managed by PagedGeometry can be >100x faster than plain entities. Another advantage is that the geometry is paged; in other words, only entities which are immediately needed (to be displayed) are loaded. This allows you to expand the boundaries of your virtual world almost infinitely (only limited by floating point precision), providing the player with a more realistically scaled game area. 
(From ogre3d form)
Example from ogre-paged web page:

Expansive jungle scene with 240,000 trees and animated vegetation, running at 100 - 150 FPS on a GeForce 7800 GT:

So solution for big area rendering (in real time) is found!.. so what left - start to do something an compile all founded in one big game..

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